Increase inbound conversion without adding headcount.

Clone your best sales agent to convert 140% more without adding headcount.

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Built for financial institutions
Modeled after top sales reps
SOC II compliant
Trusted by Leading Financial Institutions Worldwide

average improvement on lead to close conversion rate.

+3 Lead NPS

average improvement to sales process NPS score.

5-10 AI
Touch Points

per lead (25th-75th percentile

Meet Kora

The best sales rep you’ll ever work with.

Automatically engages and books meeting with leads 24x7.

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Before Kora
Close rate
As good as your best sales rep
Response Speed
20-45 min response SLA
< 5 sec response SLA
Working hours
9am - 5pm | Monday through Friday
All day | Every day
Lead re-engagement
Most lost in shuffle
No lead left behind
Document verification
Manual, 24-48h delays
Automatic, Instantaneous
Voice of the customer
Lost in translation
Consistently logged and categorized
# of channels
Limited, manually coordinated
Unlimited, automatically orchestrated
Sales time spent qualifying leads
Kora qualifies 100% of leads
Marginal cost per closed lead
Scales linearly
Diminishes with Scale